Confident At WorkĀ Podcast

Episode 27. Why A Toxic Work Environment Can Keep Your Confidence Low - Even After You've Left Dec 30, 2022

This week we discuss why your confidence can stay low even when you have left a toxic work environment or boss.  Sometimes client's come to me because they know their last working...

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Episode 26. Imposter 'Syndrome' Dec 23, 2022

This episode deals with imposter thinking and how you can start to solve the problems it creates in your work life.

Confident at Work is the self-guided digital course for professionals who want...

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Episode 25. The 12 Days of Christmas Confidence! Gifts you can give yourself Dec 16, 2022

The Grow Your Confidence in 2023 class will take the theory you learn in the podcast and help you to apply it to your own life, so you can grow your confidence at work and beyond! It's the best...

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Episode 24. Confidence Coach Confessions - how I use confidence work in my own life Dec 09, 2022

Grow Your Confidence in 2023, my new free class is booking now! All welcome, join us to plan for a more confidence 2023.

In this episode I am sharing some of my struggles with confidence and giving...

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Episode 23. Acting v. Being Yourself At Work Dec 02, 2022

Book now for our free class, Grow Your Confidence 2023 - choose from two dates or just sign up to get the recording.

In this episode I am share my thoughts on acting at work v. being yourself...

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Episode 22. Being In Your Head v. Being In The Room Nov 25, 2022

Do you find yourself in your own head when you should be in the room engaging with the people around you? In this episode we explore whats happening when you are in your own head v in the room and...

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Episode 21. The Actual Problem And The Actual Solution When It Comes To Confidence Nov 18, 2022

In this episode we look at what the actual problem is for most of my clients when it comes to their confidence. Once they understand the actual problem, we can find the right solution. Join us to...

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Episode 20. Handle Your Hormones Confidently: A Conversation With Women's Health Expert Kelly Beaumont Nov 11, 2022

Join our free class on 23 November 2022 to learn more about how you can work more confidently with your hormonal health, book here.  If you cant attend live, sign up to receive the recording.

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Episode 19: Hecklers - Things That Kill Confidence Building Part 2 Nov 04, 2022

In this episode I share something which I see getting in the way of confidence building, the hecklers that live in your head at work. If you want to feel more confident speaking at work, you have...

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Episode 18. Feeling Frustrated - Things That Kill Confidence Building Part 1 Oct 28, 2022

Coaching 100's of people to grow their confidence I see the things which get in the way, now I'm sharing them with you! Feeling frustrated with yourself and where you are at, is one thing that will...

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Episode 17. How To Succeed In Times Of Change Oct 19, 2022

Keep building your confidence with me here, I'd love to have you in the community.

Confident at Work is the self-guided digital course for professionals who want to feel more confident at work.


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Episode 16: Acknowledge Yourself, Feel More Confident Oct 05, 2022

You dont have to wait for other people to acknowledge who you are and what you do; you can do it for yourself!

We all love a bit of praise and validation, so perhaps it's time to do it for...

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