Confident At WorkĀ Podcast

Episode 3. How to speak up! Jun 03, 2022

If you sometimes struggle to speak up when you have something to say, this episode is for you!

Join me to explore why you aren't speaking up and what you can do about it, so you can start making...

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Episode 2. 3 Steps To Quiet Your Inner Critic May 28, 2022

The biggest thing I see impacting people's confidence at work, is their own critical self-talk! It sounds bad, but it's actually good news, because you can do something about it.

In this...

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Episode 1. How To Feel More Confident At Work May 21, 2022

Confidence isn't something that you are born with or not - anyone can grow their confidence in the right conditions! In this episode I share the four essential conditions you need in order to grow...

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